ATAdel Fund s.r.o.



Registration address:

Karlovo náměstí 317/5, Nové Město, 120 00 Praha 2, Czech Republic.

Registration number in the Commercial Register( IČO):   09242741.
The company is registered in the register of the Court of the City of Prague, section B, tab 332671.

Phone: +420 733 780 745

License of the Czech People’s Bank (CNB):

The registration number of the decision in the CNB : 2020/133984/CNB dated November 02, 2020.

The decision of the Czech People’s Bank (CNB) on the inclusion of ATAdel Fund s.r.o. in the CNB list and confirmation of the right to carry out asset management activities, in accordance with § 596 of the ZISIF letter and in accordance with § 15 of paragraph 1 of the ZISIF.

The registration number of the decision in the CNB : 2020/133984/CNB dated November 02, 2020.

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