aTAdel Fund s.r.o.
Investing in blue-chip Contemporary Art together with ATADEL FUND

November 2021. «ATADEL Foundation for Contemporary Art» (ACAF) is established. A platform that allows you to invest in Artworks.
Create a diversified portfolio of iconic works of art curated by our industry-leading research team
According to Artprice, blue-chip Art has outperformed the S&P 500 by 180% from 2000–2018. Deloitte estimates the total value of art to be $1.7 trillion. For the first time, you can invest in this exciting asset class.

Citi Private Bank calculated the long-term correlation coefficient of 0.12 between Art and the S&P 500 Index, which is a very low level of correlation. This is why we believe that Contemporary Art plays a key role in diversifying any portfolio.

Central Banks around the world are committed to keeping interest rates low for the foreseeable future. But extensive monetary easing plus government spending has increased the risk of inflation in the future. Real assets, notably Contemporary Art, have benefitted from falling real interest rates and help provide protection in an inflationary environment, according to Masterworks research.

The information has been prepared by Atadel Fund without reference to any particular user’s investment requirements or financial situation. Potential investors are encouraged to consult with professional tax, legal, and financial advisors before making any investment into an Atadel Fund offering. All investments involve risk, including the risk of the loss of all of your invested capital.
The value of investment can fall as well as rise. Any information relating the to past performance of an investment or investment service is not a guide to future performance.
ATAdel Fund s.r.o.
Registration address: Karlovo náměstí 317/5, Nové Město, 120 00 Praha 2, Czech Republic.
Registration number in the Commercial Register( IČO): 09242741.
The company is registered in the register of the Court of the City of Prague, section B, tab 332671.
Phone: +420 733 780 745
The registration number of the decision in the CNB : 2020/133984/CNB dated November 02, 2020.
The decision of the Czech People’s Bank (CNB) on the inclusion of ATAdel Fund s.r.o. in the CNB list and confirmation of the right to carry out asset management activities, in accordance with § 596 of the ZISIF letter and in accordance with § 15 of paragraph 1 of the ZISIF.