ATAdel Fund s.r.o.

GOLDEN IRA (Retirement Account)

What You Need To Know Before Launching Your Gold and Silver IRA

Hedging economic uncertainty in your retirement plan

A. Why include gold in your retirement plan?

The rationale for gold ownership within a retirement plan is the same as it is outside the plan. This quote from a recent Vanity Fair article by Matthew Hart sums up why gold should be a part of every retirement portfolio:

An ounce of gold cost $271 in 2001. Ten years later, it reached $1,896—an increase of almost 700 percent. On the way, it passed through some of the stormiest periods of recent history, when banks collapsed, and currencies shivered. The gold price fed on these calamities. In a way, it came to stand for them: it was the re-discovered idol at a time when other gods were falling in a heap of subprime mortgages and credit default swaps and derivative products too complicated to even understand. 

Against these, gold shone with the placid certainty of received tradition. Honoured through the ages, the standard of wealth, the original money, the safe haven. The value of gold was axiomatic. This view depends on a concept of gold as unchanging and unchanged—natures hard asset.”

Put simply, gold is money money that cannot be printed or debased. What better way to save for retirement than with the ultimate savings vehicle — physical gold. For an in-depth look at golds role in preserving assets under adverse economic circumstances, we recommend the study, Black SwansYellow Gold How gold performs in periods of deflation, disinflation, stagflation, and hyperinflation. The study draws from the historical record to show why many view gold as an investment for all seasons.

B. Can I buy physical gold for my Individual Retirement Account (IRA) or 401(k)?

You can buy gold coins and bullion, and other precious metals*, in a self-directed IRA or 401(k) established with a trust company. People with retirement plans typically have a conventional IRA or 401(k) with a bank or brokerage firm that specializes in bank deposits, stocks, mutual funds, annuities, and other assets. In many cases, these investors have little or no say in the investments being made. A self-directed plan empowers the individual to make his or her own investment decisions and adds to the available investment options. Precious metals are among those options.

 C. Is now a good time to do a rollover into gold?

Gold, first and foremost, is wealth insurance. You cannot approach it the way you approach stock or real estate investments. Timing is not the real issue. The first question you need to ask yourself is whether or not you believe you need to own gold. If you answer that question in the affirmative, there is no point in delaying your actual purchase or waiting for a more favorable price that may or may not appear. Cost averaging can be a good strategy. The real goal is to diversify so that your overall wealth is not compromised by economic dangers and uncertainties like the kind generated by the 2008 financial crisis or the on-going sovereign debt crisis in Europe.

D. Can Atadel Fund help me choose a trustee that sponsors self-directed IRAs or 401(k)s?

Yes. At this time, we have direct working relationships with three trust companies that offer self-directed plans.

ATAdel Fund s.r.o.



Registration address: Karlovo náměstí 317/5, Nové Město, 120 00 Praha 2, Czech Republic.
Registration number in the Commercial Register( IČO): 09242741.
The company is registered in the register of the Court of the City of Prague, section B, tab 332671.

Phone: +420 733 780 745

The registration number of the decision in the CNB : 2020/133984/CNB dated November 02, 2020.

The decision of the Czech People’s Bank (CNB) on the inclusion of ATAdel Fund s.r.o. in the CNB list and confirmation of the right to carry out asset management activities, in accordance with § 596 of the ZISIF letter and in accordance with § 15 of paragraph 1 of the ZISIF.

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